Exceptional Aviation Resources ~ Fantastic Practical Activities ~ Outstanding Value for Money
Let JARE ATP train your students to the AVIATION GOLD PROFESSIONAL STANDARD airline and airport employers are looking for in their new recruits.
An investment in one of our training days isn’t expensive for you and your students – it’s priceless!
These options are designed for College, University and School groups – individual students can also access these activities via our Direct programmes – please see Aviation Training for more details.
We can offer over 20 Airline Practical Activities/SEP Training Sessions including:-
- B737 Planned or Unplanned emergency evacuation inc. NITS briefing
- NITS Briefings
- B737 Emergency Evacuation Slide
- B737 Overwing Exit – inc. door removal
- B737 Cabin Door training – inc. drills & girt bar
- B737 Flight Deck Visits – with interactive, TAKE OFF, LANDING, ATP PUSH BACK etc., as well as pilot headsets for pilot interaction and also PA annoucements to the cabin
- B737 Smoke-filled evacuation + “infant” to find
- B737 Smoke Hood donning – various smoke hood examples to try
- Pilot Incapacitation on our B737 Flight Deck inc. full drills and checklists
- B737 Galley Fire Trainer – inc. realistic simulation with practical drills
- B737 Toilet/Washroom Fire Trainer – inc. realistic simulation with practical drills
- B737 Rapid Decompression – with drills
- B737 Passenger Address & Safety DEMO in our aircraft cabin
- B737 SEP Equipment identification and stowage – inc. diagram location if required
- Aviation First – a range of key practical activities OR a one day EFAW accredited programme contextualised for aviation
- Duty Free/Tax Paid/Discounted Goods Service
- In-flight Service
- Boarding Passengers
- Security Search of Cabin
These are just a few examples – we can offer many more and bespoke them to specific programmes, units and elements.
The 2023-24 Session proved to be just as popular as ever with many colleges already booked for the new 2024-25 session – we welcome old and new colleges, sixth forms, universities and schools to our Centre.
Also please watch our Video/DVD by selecting the JARE ATP DVD button on our website browser to see our facilities in action.
Since we opened our unique Boeing B737 Aviation & Training Centre we have had 10’s of 1,000’s of learners using our facilities. All learners and tutors have commented on how the Boeing B737 Trainer & Aviation has boosted their confidence and knowledge of aviation especially in a practical way including those who have previously been to airline owned facilities. Most of these options are based on matching the specific syllabus from a range of awarding bodies via our specially written support materials to then progress to a practical assessment.
If your college, school or university offers Air Cabin Crew, Airline Customer Service Agents, Aviation First Aid, Airline & Airport or Travel & Tourism programmes then you MUST make a visit to our Centre in 2023-24 – you will be giving your students a Field Trip of a lifetime which will significantly enhance their CORE programme and further develop their interpersonal and group skills as well as their own confidence in completing practical tasks.
ALL our facilities use a Boeing B737 Trainer aircraft and include special Sound, Lighting and Special Effects to enhance the realism of each Activity; all our activities also have comprehensive external Risk Assessments completed on them as well as generic risk assessments, floor plans and dedicated fire escape routes for total safety.
The two Trustees in charge of operations are experienced former senior airline staff who are also First Aid, Fire Marshal and Health & Safety trained as well as qualified Adult Education Tutors, Airline Assessors and Verifiers so you can be sure that you are in the safest and most experienced hands possible.
Completion Certificates and unique Airline Practical Activity Lapel Badges (badges at a small extra costs) can be awarded on successful completion.
Our programmes and teaching are all part of our ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation which we have held for over 22 years.
Please contact us for your own requirements.
FULL Days – normally between 10.00 – 16.00 (other times available on request) – up to SEVEN Airline (SEP) Practical Activities are available
HALF Days – please see our “Aviation Experience” page for other shorter options – usually up to THREE activities.
MIXED Days – we can also offer FOUR, FIVE, SIX and SEVEN activity days as well – allow approx. ONE HOUR per activity
Additionally we are also happy to mix these activities with either (or both) Airport Practical Activities and Award Body elements from key airline & airport programmes.
As you can see from these pictures the many learners and groups using our B737 Aviation & Training Centre have thoroughly enjoyed their activities with us; to find out more about how your learners at college, university or school could take part please contact Julie Rushton – Tel: 01202 582354 or e-mail: jar@jare-atp.co.uk.