Equality Basic Principles
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership welcomes all applicants, participants, students, visitors, supporting staff, contractors and everyone else, regardless of age, colour, race, sex, origin, disability, background or marital status to our B737 Aviation & Training Centre.
Our Equality & Diversity Policy endorses the right of all students, staff and visitors to equal opportunities within J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership is committed to providing an educational service, which guarantees equality of opportunity irrespective of age, class, disability, ethnic background, marital status, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership upholds its legal duty to ensure that unlawful discrimination does not take place. In all our dealings with you we will treat you fairly and with respect, as we expect you to treat each other.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership is committed to equality of opportunity for staff, students, employers, community groups and members of the public, on all sites, and for all others who come into contact with J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership representatives. We are proud to be a multi-cultural, multi racial organisation and we are fundamentally opposed to racism, sexism and any other form of violent, abusive or irrational discriminatory behaviour.
Any complaints of discrimination or harassment will be treated seriously, be fully investigated and may result in disciplinary action by J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will develop, implement and publicise policies which promote equal opportunities for all members of J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will provide in-service training opportunities for all staff, relating to the Equal Opportunities Policy and its implementation.
The Policy needs to be read in conjunction with J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership:-
Development Plan and Mission Statement
Student Charter
Race Equality Policy
Disability Policy
Scope and Codes of Practice
This policy applies to the following:
- All students, whether full-time; part-time; day release; attending short courses or link courses
- All trainees who are sub contracted to J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership via other Training Providers
- All visitors
- All staff, whether full-time or part-time; in teaching or support roles and voluntary workers working in or for J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership. Staff on agreed leave of absence continue to be members of J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
- Outside contractors working with J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
The following list indicates the kinds of acts which might occur in incidents of discrimination/harassment:
- Physical assault and abuse
- Verbal threat and abuse
- Unwelcome physical contact
- Derogatory name-calling, insults, demeaning jokes
- Offensive comments
- Incitement of others to behave in an offensive or oppressive manner
- Provocative behaviour, mimicry etc.
- Wearing of racist or sexist badges or insignia
- Graffiti directed against an individual or vulnerable group
- Displaying or distributing materials (e.g. emails, audio/visual, leaflets or magazines) containing offensive material
- Attempts to recruit other users, staff or students to racist organisations or other such groups.
Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
Modern slavery is an unquestionable and indefensible violation of an individual’s basic human rights.
At JARE ATP we are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in all our activities, and to ensuring, as far as we are able, that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.
2019-20 Modern Slavery Act 2015 & Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
JARE ATP has a statutory and moral duty to ensure that it functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults receiving education and training at JARE ATP and is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the learners.
JARE ATP will support all learners by:
• Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the JARE ATP environment
• Encouraging self-esteem and self-assertiveness
• Effectively tackling bullying and harassment
It is recognised that some learners may be the victims of neglect, physical, digital, financial, sexual or emotional abuse.
JARE ATP staff working with learners are well placed to identify such abuse or neglect and offer support.
At JARE ATP in order to protect all learners, we aim to:
• Create an atmosphere where all learners can feel secure, valued and listened to
• Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect
• Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to cases of suspected abuse or neglect
Julie and Andrew both hold an Advanced Safeguarding Qualification.
Codes of practice
The main legislation covering equal opportunities and Safeguarding includes:
- The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act (1970)
- The Equal Pay Act (1970, amended 1983)
- The Sex Discrimination Act (1975)
- The Race Relations Act (1976) and Race Relations Amendment Act (2000)
- The Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act (1986)
- The Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
- The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001)
- The Human Rights Act (1998)
- The Learning and Skills Act (2001)
- The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (2006)
- The Childcare Act 2006
- Children & Families Act 2014
- The Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2015
Any subsequent legislation will be incorporated within this policy
The policy also takes into account the recommendations and guidelines from the following key reports:
- Kennedy report on Widening Participation
- Tomlinson report on Inclusive Learning
- Moser report on Basic Skills
- Macpherson Report on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry
- Success for All
- Widening Participation in Further Education
General Policy
- All entrance qualifications for J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership courses will relate to standards laid down by the appropriate validating body or to objective criteria relating to course content and outcomes.
- All potential J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership students who meet the entrance qualifications will have equal access to the J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership curriculum. J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will not discriminate in providing access to opportunities and facilities related to their course of study.
- All students will have equal access to general J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership facilities and to appropriate social or extra curriculum activities offered by J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership.
- Under-represented groups will be encouraged to participate in all J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership courses and activities.
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will continue to widen participation amongst the under-represented communities by developing community based access centres.
Marketing and Recruitment
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will seek to ensure that the curriculum offered is relevant to the needs of all the communities which it seeks to serve by consulting them.
- An Equal Opportunities statement will appear in all J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership prospectuses.
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership publicity will reflect the cultural diversity of the J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership community and will avoid all types of negative stereotyping.
- Efforts will be made to ensure that J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership publicity reaches all sections of the communities served by J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership. J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will use formal and informal networks of women’s groups, disability groups and minority ethnic communities. Where appropriate, recruitment literature will be printed in appropriate languages and bilingual staff will be available to provide bilingual IAG.
- Information about special facilities and resources for supported learning students and students with disabilities will be included in the J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership prospectus, the Disability Policy and other publicity materials.
- Key documents are available in other formats such as Braille, audio, large print.
Curriculum and Learning Support
All students are entitled to undergo an induction so that they are made aware of J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership Equal Opportunities Policy. J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will seek to ensure that curriculum content and learning resources are in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Policy.
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will ensure that its curriculum reflects the needs, interests and experiences of its students and its community.
- Curriculum initiatives which seek to foster positive attitudes towards equality of opportunity will be encouraged.
- Materials used on courses (e.g. textbooks, videos, etc) will be demonstrably free of stereotyping on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sex or disability.
- Staff will review syllabi, course content and teaching methodology, so that all these are supportive of a tolerant, understanding, multicultural society and promote anti-discriminatory practices.
- Attendance patterns, timetable structures and modes of delivery will reflect a variety of approaches to meet individual needs (e.g. open learning supported self study, modular structures and flexible times and courses).
- All full-time/part time students will be assessed for basic skills/additional support needs at the beginning of their course of study.
- Students will have access to learning support services, e.g. help with language, literacy, numeracy, study skills and dyslexia support.
- All students who are speakers of other languages will be entitled to English language support to enable them to pursue their studies effectively.
- Bilingualism will be regarded as advantageous. Ensure that where demand is suitable, classes in students’ home languages will continue to be available and will occupy a place in the curriculum, which reflects their importance to ethnic minority students.
Student Support
- All students will be offered access to tutorial and pastoral support which is relevant to their needs and course of study.
- All students will have access to course guidance, personal counselling, career education and welfare advice
- The specific needs of International students will be taken account of e.g. through the provision of special guidance, counselling and assistance in finding suitable accommodation.
- Specialist equipment and software is made available for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Staffing and Staff Development
- All potential staff will have equal access to employment opportunities, provided they meet the requirements of the job description and person specification.
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will actively seek to select and appoint staff displaying sensitivity and understanding of equal opportunity issues.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will not discriminate in providing access to training, promotion and career development opportunities. - Under-represented groups will be encouraged to apply for posts and to participate fully in the life of J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
- All staff in J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will be encouraged to undertake the training necessary to enable them to effectively comply with the JARE ATP’s Equal Opportunities Policy. J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will provide training and staff development to support the implementation of this policy.
Environment and Facilities
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will endeavour to create a safe, welcoming environment which enables each student to feel comfortable and reach her or his full learning potential.
- Graffiti is an act of anti-social behaviour and can be illegal. Its perpetrators will be prosecuted and appropriate disciplinary measures pursued to the full on all occasions.
- All practical steps will be taken to provide safe access and working conditions on J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership premises for students with learning difficulties/disabilities. J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership has carried out an access audit of all its premises, made appropriate adjustments.
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will endeavour to provide appropriate learning resources, recreational facilities and other students from J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership.
- J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership will endeavour to provide facilities for individual worship where possible.
Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
Copies of the Policy are available to all staff and students from J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
All staff and students will be made aware of the Policy and implementation strategy at induction.
The implementation of this Policy will be monitored and evaluated by management and will be subject to an annual review.
Data generated by the J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership Information System will be used systematically to monitor students’ retention, exclusion, achievement and progression.
Equal Opportunities will form an integral part of the annual course/curriculum review and the Self-Assessment Reports.
The Board of Trustees will receive regular Equal Opportunities Reports analysing the student and staffing profile in terms of gender, ethnicity and disability.
A complaints procedure exists for the use and protection of all members of the J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership community and is an appropriate way of raising and dealing with complaints relating to any breach of the policy.
Students/staff needing support/advice or information about related issues will be able to obtain this by contacting one of the following:
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership Directors
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership Staff
Trustee responsible for policy:
Andrew N.S.Easton, Founding Director (& Chair of Trustees for ECT).
Environmental Policy
JARE ATP is committed to running its business in a responsible, environmentally sound and sustainable manner. We recognise that our supply chain, processes and products have both direct and indirect environmental impacts. We seek to identify these and to find effective ways of eliminating or reducing them. Our aim is to achieve continuous improvement in our environmental performance. Throughout our operations we regard compliance with the law as the minimum standard to be achieved and will put in place additional environmental programmes to go beyond compliance where appropriate.
Environmental Objectives
Our environmental objectives have been chosen, and are regularly reviewed, to ensure that our actions effectively implement our environmental policy; they are:
- To take significant environmental aspects and impacts into account throughout our operations, maintaining a simple management of environmental issues at our three sites
- To ensure that environmental issues are properly assessed and considered when key decisions are taken about supply chains, processes and new product development.
- To establish and measure the significant environmental impacts of our operations, set targets for performance improvements and monitor progress against those targets in areas including but not limited to energy, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage / quality and waste – for our mock-up cabin and aviation training devices we seek to use re-cycled aviation interior which would otherewise go to landfill and also re-use other aviation equipment on each project and in many cases using re-cycled aviation equipment from previous aviation devices
- To use energy and natural resources wisely and efficiently, eliminate and minimise waste, and re-use and recycle where practical.
- To make a real and meaningful contribution to mitigating climate change and global water scarcity, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and water impact across the complete lifecycle of our products and their packaging, reflecting national and international government agendas when setting targets.
- To engage with our suppliers, customers and other stakeholders on environmental issues, including the sustainability of our raw and packaging material supply.
- To ensure that employees have a level of knowledge and understanding appropriate to their environmental responsibilities and are aware of actions they can take to reduce their impacts.
- To conduct an annual review, including progress against set KPI targets.
Founding Director: Andrew N.S.Easton has specific responsibility for the Company’s environmental policy and performance.
At the heart of JARE Airline Training Partnership’s ethos we have the key objectives of our Core Underpinning Values:
- That we strive for excellence in everything we do at all times
- That our students’ and customer’s experience is at the heart of everything we do
- Innovation and creativity together with enjoyment of learning are promoted
- At all times we will ensure that we conduct ourselves with absolute integrity and respect for everyone
- Every single individual in our organisation is valued and self esteem is promoted
Health & Safety
JARE ATP takes Health & Safety of all its staff, customers and participants very seriously indeed and we maintain an annual review of our H&S policy together with a series or detailed Risk Assessments and for both our teaching work and cabin contruction work to bespoke our Risk Assessments and Method Statements accordingly.
Our current H&S Policy Statement is shown on the link below:-