Below are our main Terms and Condition – this is for all SEP type training session for cabin crew, ground crew and UPS..
1. All sessions hired by institutions booked for the B737 and/or classroom between an institution and J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership (J.A.R.E. ATP) are subject to these terms and conditions. Our Invoice is the contract document when we enter into an agreement to provision of our facilities and the services offered are included in our invoice.
2. All costs agreed must be paid immediately in full & promptly on the due dates on all invoices via a Pro Forma Invoice we raise, to secure the date(s) chosen – late payment may result in penalty interest charged at 3% over Barclays Bank plc base rate. ALL charges are PLUS VAT. Our standard terms and condition for payment are on a ‘payment with order’ basis.
3. Payment of costs can be made by cheque – payable to “J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership” or by BACS/CHAPS directly to the J.A.R.E. ATP bank account.
4. CANCELLATIONS – by institutions.
Once a date(s) is confirmed the Day(s) is/are guaranteed for that/those day(s) only – any switches of Day(s) are subject to availability & a charge of £250.00 for less than 4 weeks notice & £125.00 for 4+ weeks notice all PLUS VAT. There are no refunds available at any time for cancellations or where numbers for a planned event drop below the levels agreed/envisaged and/or any other reasons and the amount paid and/or invoiced for in advance will still be due in full. In certain exceptional circumstances we may accept the switch fee as a cancellation fee (+ any other unavoidable costs we have incurred) if our normal fee has not been paid as agreed and there is more than two weeks to the provision.
The above includes any cancellation for any Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic outbreak where we cannot issue any refunds whatsoever.
We reserve the right to cancel any bookings in any series of bookings if we deem it appropriate and we will give notice in advance of our decision in writing, usually via e-mail.
This also applies to any FORCE MAJEURE situation, for example with the Covid-19 Pandemic we were obliged to close our Centre until further notice from HM Government.
6. In some of our packages we may take digital images of participants completing their activities which we send on to organisations hiring our facilities for their publicity use; we retain the absolute right to withdraw our right to their use by third parties at any time as we deem fit. The images we take are always presented on a complimentary basis only and we will always retain the copyright for all images taken and they remain JARE ATP property.
7. We do not allow smoking or VAPING (or similar) at any time during the provision either inside our outside our facilities between the hours of 10.00 – 16.00hrs.
8. JARE ATP Directors and/or Trainers will be in total control of the provision at all times.
9. Our Completion Certificates will only be issued for students who complete ALL activities and we retain the right to not issues certificates if participants have not fully joined in willingly, completed all tasks or have disrupted any sessions.
10. Electronic devices and mobile phones etc., we request that students do not use any electronic/mobile phone or similar devices at any time during the training onboard our B737 or in our training rooms and no recording of sound or images may be made at any time unless agreed in advance in writing and this will only be agreed with an institution having a member of staff undertaking any recording
11. Cancellations/refunds – we do not offer refunds for any non-attendance, lower/drop in student numbers or cancellation of trips – however where a college/school/university/institution closes and/or deems it unable to attend a day due to bad weather we will usually, in these circumstances, instead of charging the whole cost again accept a switch fee of £250.00 + VAT as the most appropriate action for another agreed day. Otherwise the full fee remains payable in full.
In exceptional circumstances we may be able to offer a Credit Note against future provision if a college student number falls lower than expected but this would be treated on an individual basis only.
12. Exclusion – we reserve the right to exclude any participant if they do not join in, disrupt the sessions and refuse to comply with our instructions.
13. No participants are allowed to consume their own food or drink on our aircraft and may only eat on our premises if agreed in advance.
14. Activities – we reserve the right to substitute any activities due to operational or other reasons for those activities not available during the day of each session offered.
15. These terms & conditions may be altered or added to at any time & J.A.R.E. ATP accepts no liability for any errors, exceptions or omissions howsoever caused – will we however take all reasonable steps to ensure their accuracy.